
Investment Opps

8IP Emerging Companies Limited IPO

Equity, Investment Opps

“Eight Investment Partners Pty Limited (“8IP”) has announced the launch of an IPO of SIV-compliant Listed Investment Company to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange;  8IP Emerging Companies Limited (“8EC”).

The 8EC investment portfolio will be managed by Kerry Series and Stephen Walsh, and is expected to commence trading on 1 December 2015.

8EC will give investors access to a concentrated, benchmark unaware portfolio (typically 20-30 stocks) in the $20m to $500m market cap segment via an ASX Listed Investment Company. The Company will provide investors with the opportunity to invest in an actively managed portfolio of emerging companies, and to gain access to the investment management and expertise of the manager.

8EC is seeking to raise a minimum of $18million and a maximum of $50 million, and may accept oversubscriptions of up to $8 million.

For every 2 shares that are issued under the Offer, the investor will also receive 1 option. Offer close date is 16 November.

The Lead Manager is Taylor Collison Ltd, and the Co-Managers are Bell Potter, and Shaw & Partners.

For further information and the prospectus, go to

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